Friday, September 24, 2010

JC Database Article #3

Andrew B.
Mrs. Zurkowski
Honors English 9
24 September 2010

Lundsten, Apryl. "Attacked Online." Girls' Life (Vol. 17, No. 1). Aug/Sep 2010: 77. SIRS      Researcher. Web. 24 Sep 2010.
·         Cyberbullying has become a major issue in the last few years with social networking sites like Facebook mainly with girls.
·         Cyberbullying is becoming worse than in-school bullying and there is no way to escape or hide from it since it is all over the Internet.
·         People that cyberbully feel as if they can post whatever they want as much as they want about a person without the victim fighting back.
·         Cyberbullying can have more negative effects than direct bullying in school like depression and even suicide, which there have been two cases of it this year.
·         Bullying behavior is caused by the bully wanting to hurt the victim or just wants to control everything he or she can.
·         There are many types of bullies depending on the person or group’s intent.
·         The most prominent type of cyberbullying is when the conversation starts out as teasing but then evolves into bad words that can affect someone’s emotional state.
·         The one thing is odd about cyberbullying is that anyone could be a victim since the bully could target anyone at any time.
·         If you are being bullied, report it to a trusted adult or teacher at school, and the situation will eventually get better.
·         “If you don’t know who the bully is, make sure your network is made up only of your true friends.” (Lundsten, pg.4)
·         “Bullying is repeated and relentless and is meant to humiliate and demean you.” (Lundsten, pg.4)
·         There are many forms of cyberbullying, including hurtful comments, threatening texts, and private pictures.  

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